3 Ways to Calculate the Geometric Mean in Python

In the section below, you’ll see 3 ways to calculate the Geometric Mean in Python.

For each of the methods to be reviewed, the goal is to derive the Geometric Mean, given the following values:

8, 16, 22, 12, 41

Method 1: Simple Calculations to get the Geometric Mean

To start, you can use the following calculations to get the Geometric Mean:

multiply_values = 8*16*22*12*41
n = 5

geometric_mean = multiply_values**(1/n)

print("The Geometric Mean is: " + str(geometric_mean)) 


  • multiply_values represents the multiplication of all the values in the dataset
  • n reflects the number of items in the dataset. Here we have 5 items
  • geometric_mean = multiply_values**(1/n) is the actual calculation to derive the geometric mean

Run the code in Python, and you’ll get the following result: 16.9168

Method 2: Using a List to Derive the Geometric Mean in Python

Alternatively, you can place all the values in a List, where each value should be separated by a comma:

values = [8, 16, 22, 12, 41]
n = len(values)

multiply = 1

for i in values:
    multiply = multiply * i

geometric_mean = multiply**(1/n)

print("The Geometric Mean is: " + str(geometric_mean)) 

Once you run the code in Python, you’ll get the same result: 16.9168

Method 3: Using Pandas and Scipy

You could also use the Pandas and Scipy packages to obtain the Geometric Mean:

import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean

data = {"values": [8, 16, 22, 12, 41]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

geometric_mean = gmean(df.loc[:,"values"])

print("The Geometric Mean is: " + str(geometric_mean)) 

As before, you’ll get the same Geometric Mean: 16.9168