How to Calculate the Future Value using Python

You can use the following template in order to calculate the Future Value using Python: pv = present value r = interest rate n = number of periods fv = pv*(1+r/100)**n print(fv) Steps to Calculate the Future Value using Python Step 1: Gather the data To start, gather the data for the future value calculations. … Read more

3 Ways to Calculate the Geometric Mean in Python

In the section below, you’ll see 3 ways to calculate the Geometric Mean in Python. For each of the methods to be reviewed, the goal is to derive the Geometric Mean, given the following values: 8, 16, 22, 12, 41 Method 1: Simple Calculations to get the Geometric Mean To start, you can use the … Read more

3 Ways to Calculate the Mean in Python

In the section below, you’ll observe 3 ways to calculate the Mean in Python. For each of the methods to be reviewed, the goal is to derive the Mean, given the following values: 8, 20, 12, 15, 4 Method 1: Simple Average Calculation To start, you can use the following average calculations to derive the … Read more

How to Calculate the Present Value using Python

Here is a simple template to calculate the Present Value (pv) using Python: fv = future value r = interest rate n = number of periods pv = fv/(1+r/100)**n print(pv) Steps to Calculate the Present Value using Python Step 1: Gather your Data To start, you’ll need to gather the data for the Present Value … Read more