Percentage Change Calculator

Enter the values in the Percentage Change calculator:

Start Value: End Value:

How to use the Percentage Change Calculator

Let’s review several examples/scenarios in order to demonstrate how to use the Percentage Change calculator.

Example 1: End Value is greater than the Start Value

Suppose the you have the values below, and your goal is to calculate the percentage change:

  • Start Value = 400
  • End Value = 500

You can then type those values in the calculator:

Then, click on the “Calculate Percentage Change” button and you’ll get the percentage change of 25%:

Example 2: Start Value is greater than the End Value

  • Start Value = 1000
  • End Value = 800

Now enter the above values in the calculator and you’ll get the percentage change of -20%:

Example 3: Both the Start Value and the End Value are negative

  • Start Value = -700
  • End Value = -500

For the above values you’ll get the result of 28.571%:

Example 4: Start Value is positive, while the End Value is negative

  • Start Value = 200
  • End Value = -500

Now you’ll get -350%:

Example 5: Start Value is negative, while the End Value is positive

  • Start Value = -200
  • End Value = 800

And finally, you’ll get the percentage change of 500%:

How to Manually Calculate the Percentage Change

You may use the formula below in order to derive the percentage change:

                                        100 * (End Value - Start Value)
Percentage Change = |Start Value|

For example, let’s say that you’d like to calculate the percentage change for the following information:

  • Start Value = 400
  • End Value = 500

If you plug those values in the formula, you’ll get the percentage change of 25%:

                                       100*(End Value - Start Value)     100*(500 - 400)
Percentage Change = |Start Value| = |400| = 25%