Geometric Mean Calculator

Enter your values in the Geometric Mean Calculator. Each value should be separated by a comma. Example is included below.

Values (each value separated by comma):

How to use the Geometric Mean Calculator

Let's review a simple example to see how to use the Geometric Mean Calculator. To start, let's say that you have the following 5 values:

8, 16, 22, 12, 41

Enter those values in the Calculator and then click on the 'Calculate Geometric Mean' button:

Geometric Mean Calculator

You would then get the Geometric Mean of 16.91685:

 Geometric Mean Calculator

How to Manually Derive the Geometric Mean

You may use the following formula to calculate the geometric mean:

Geometric Mean = (X1*X2*X3*...*Xn)(1/n)   

For example, let's say that you have the following 5 values:

8, 16, 22, 12, 41

Plug those values in the formula and you would get the Geometric Mean of 16.91685:

Geometric Mean = (X1*X2*X3*...*Xn)(1/n) = (8*16*22*12*41)(1/5) = 16.91685