Skewness Calculator

You can use the Skewness Calculator in order to derive the Skewness. Each value entered in the calculator should be separated by a comma. Example is included below.

Enter Values (each value separated by comma):

How to use the Skewness Calculator

Let's suppose that your goal is to calculate the Skewness, given the following values:

2, 7, 15, 4, 8

To start, enter the values in the Skewness calculator, and then click on the 'Calculate Skewness' button:

Skewness calculator

You'll then get the Skewness of 0.61439:

Skewness Calculator

How to Manually Calculate the Skewness

You can manually derive the Skewness using this formula:

                           Σ(xi - x̅)3
Skewness  =  (n-1)(SD3)   


For example, let's say that you'd like to derive the Skewness, given the following values:

2, 7, 15, 4, 8

Here are the calculations needed in order to get the Skewness:

  • x̅ = (2+7+15+4+8) / 5 = 7.2
  • Σ(xi - x̅)3 = (2-7.2)3 + (7-7.2)3 + (15-7.2)3 + (4-7.2)3 + (8-7.2)3 = 301.68
  • n = 5
  • SD = [Σ(xi - x̅)2 ]0.5 / (n-1)0.5 = [98.8]0.5 / (5-1)0.5 = 4.970
                           Σ(xi - x̅)3           301.68     
Skewness  =  (n-1)(SD3) =  (5-1)(4.9703)  = 0.61439 

You'll then get the Skewness of 0.61439.