Coupon Rate Calculator

Enter the values in the Coupon Rate Calculator:

Face Value: Coupon Payment Per Period: Annually

Using the Coupon Rate Calculator

Suppose that you want to calculate the coupon rate given the following information:

  • Face Value is 1000
  • Coupon payment per period is 30
  • Payments are semiannual

Enter the values in the Coupon Rate Calculator:

Coupon Rate Calculator

Click on the "Calculate Coupon Rate" button and you'll get the coupon rate of 6%:

Coupon Rate Calculator

Manually Calculate the Coupon Rate

The formula to calculate the coupon rate is:

                           (Coupon Payment per Period) * (Number of Periods) * 100    
Coupon Rate = Face Value of the Bond

For our example:

  • Coupon Payment per Period = 30
  • Number of Periods per Year = 2
  • Face Value of the Bond = 1000

The coupon rate is therefore 6%:

                            30 * 2 * 100
Coupon Rate = 1000 = 6

You may the check the Coupon Payment Calculator to calculate the coupon payment.